A Local Service for 15+ Years!


  • How much does it cost to remove an underground oil tank?

    To decommission and remove an underground oil tank, we typically average somewhere in the $1,500 ballpark. But of course, if you give us a call, we can be more specific. It could be less, it could be more. There's no way of giving a clear answer until we have clear details.

  • Is it worth it to remove an underground oil tank?

    Given the liability an underground oil tank brings to your property value and the environmental liability, yes we think it is very, very worth it to remove a corroding metal tank filled with petrochemicals inside from your property.

  • How soon can you come out to remove my oil tank?

    First, give us a call, then we can figure it out. The answer to this depends on how filled up we are in a given week. 

  • How do you "destroy" an underground oil tank?

    You don't! This is a common question. You don't destroy an UST. You decomission it and/or remove it and restore the soil if there was damage.

    We are capable of restoring, decomissioning, and removal of underground oil tanks! 

  • Can I remove my own oil tank in NC?

    Yes. To do so, however, requires a fair bit of resource and knowledge. You'll need the skill and access to a backhoe, a clear understanding of the design of the tank, the capacity to determine if there is soil contamnation (and then a contingency plan to deal with it if this is the case), a trailer to move the oil tank once it's out, and place it scrap it.

    It's a good laundry list. You may read that and think, "Oh yeah! I got this." But for the vast majority of people, we highly reccommend working with a professional backhoe contractor who has in field experience with oil tanks, soil contamination and more.

    We can check all those boxes, so call us today!

  • How much does it cost to drain an oil tank?

    Truly, the draining process is ultimately a decomissioning process where we not only remove the remaining, excess oil, but put the tank out of comission from a home-owner's stand point, negating its liability for the owner or potential buyer.

    In the end, the cost depends on the severity of the leakage in the tank, its overal condition, its location, and more. So please, feel free to call us today for a detailed conversation about your tank. We're happy answer any questions you have!

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